How to Enhance PSP Games Graphics on PPSSPP

The PSP is known to have a native resolution of 480×272 pixels, which is good for games of its time. However, the introduction of the PPSSPP has changed things. These days you can enjoy higher graphics resolution when playing Playstation Portable games on mobile or PC.

Let’s say you’re just installing PSP games on Android or PC; you’ll be a bit concerned about the graphics. Whether it’s on a low-end or a high-end device, getting a quality visual matters.

Luckily, the PSP emulator allows one to make graphical enhancements. In this guide, I’ll show you how to enhance PSP game graphics on The PPSSPP emulator. This works for Android and Windows users, so let’s get right on with it.

Steps to Enhance PSP Games Graphics on PPSSPP

To get the best of any PSP games on the PPSSPP emulator, all you need to do is follow the steps below. It’s a straightforward procedure and doesn’t require any technical know-how.

Note: Enhancing graphics on PPSSPP might break the performance of some games. Therefore always try to back up your settings before trying the ones below.

1. Launch the PPSSPP emulator. Go to Settings > Graphics > Backend > Use OpenGL or Vulkan (depending on your device’s GPU).

2. Under Graphics, set the Rendering Resolution to 2x PSP or 1x PSP if you experience lag in some games.

3. Let the Display Resolution (HW Scaler) be set to your exact Rendering Resolution (2x or 1x PSP).

4. Scroll down to Texture Filtering. Let Anisotropic Filtering set to Off. Texture Filtering > Linear and Smart 2D Texture Filtering > On.

Enhance PSP Games Graphics

5. Go to Overlay Information > Show FPS Counter > On, Show Speed > On.

Enhance PSP Games Graphics

6. To make your PSP gameplay faster, tweak the Speed Hacks. Set Lazy Texture Caching (Speeup) > Set it to On. Spline/Bezier Curves Quality > Low.

7. Once done with the above steps. Navigate to Settings > System > Fast Memory (Unstable) > On. Ignore Bad Memory Access > On.

Optimising Audio Settings

Making sure the PPSSPP audio settings are optimised is another great way to significantly improve the gameplay experience. While there are not many tweaks to do here, just follow the simple steps below. Doing this is similar to configuring the PPSSPP controller settings.

8. Under the PPSSPP Settings > Audio > Enable Sound.

9. Set Global Volume to 8.

10. Alternate Speed Volume > Use Global Volume.

11. Reverb Volume > 6.

12. Achivement Sound Volume > 4.

Once done, hit the save button and with that, you’ll be able to play any PSP games on the PPSSPP emulator better than ever. During tweaking, if you experience any glitches or lags, make sure to revert to the previous settings.


By following these steps, you can drastically enhance PSP game graphics on PPSSPP, making them look sharper, smoother, and more vibrant. The best settings depend on your device’s power, so experiment with different configurations to find the perfect balance between graphics and performance.

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